Back in business? It’s time to bring your marketing A game and reignite your brand.
To jumpstart your brand and get back in action, we’ve pulled together our top tips. Read on.
Reignite your brand by rethinking your strategy
Now’s the time to take a good look at your business strategy. What might’ve worked before the pandemic, may now need adjusting.
Start by getting clear on your strengths and weaknesses as a brand. The simplest way to do this is through a SWOT analysis. To briefly summarise, a SWOT is a strategic technique that helps you identify your: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Once you’ve defined what you do well and maybe not so well, you need to revisit your business goals and decide on whether they’re still realistic. Analyse just how much your industry has been affected and then adapt. Look for gaps in the market or any new needs in the industry. Then, put a focus on growth and innovation.
Marketing has changed, and in order to not get left behind, you’re going to need to step it up a gear.
Let’s talk budgets
You should look at what budgets you have allocated and for where. Your budgets might have been perfected pre COVID-19, but it’s more than likely they’ve taken a hit.
Put aside a good percentage of funds for your marketing. You need customers now more than ever, so you need to make sure you’re targeting them with content and paid ads. Try not to desensitise the situation, as you might end up doing more harm than good (we’ll get onto that point a bit later).
Have a clear idea of the amount allocated to each department. You’ll feel a little less stressed (trust us).
Make marketing your focal point
If you didn’t already have a huge focus on marketing, now’s the time to bring your A game. We’re not talking about cheesy ads and inconsiderate sales messages being fired at your audience 24/7. We’re talking about content.
Everyone’s heard of the saying, “content is king”. Don’t worry, we hate the phrase as much as the next person. But the point still stands. If you’re not producing content, whether that’s digital or tangible, people will soon forget about you.
Business has been slow for most, so you’re going to have to think outside the box. Think client Q&A’s, brand story takeovers, company films, etc, etc. The list goes on.
Careful comms
Before you start bombarding people’s emails and social feeds with lazy sales messages in an attempt to gain leads, be more compassionate. We’re going through a pandemic and we’re all in the same boa. Most businesses will be out of pocket and won’t be able to afford your products or services. What you can offer, however, is an understanding sympathy.
Offer free content, hold a sale, or just be there for people. Yes, businesses need to make money in order to survive, but we can guarantee by backing off a little, people will remember your business in the long-run.
Build your brand up, then focus on leads
We know what you’re thinking. “Why focus on leads last?”
Well, the truth is, not many people have a lot of spare cash to spend. So, instead of wasting time and energy in an attempt to gain new custom, build up your brand. Spruce up your content, work on your website, and invest in your existing customers. We cannot stress that last point enough. Plus, it can cost five times more to win new clients over retaining existing ones.
To conclude
Back to business and in need of a helping hand post-COVID? Let’s talk. Our inbox is open.
Back in business? It’s time to bring your marketing A game and reignite your brand.
To jumpstart your brand and get back in action, we’ve pulled together our top tips. Read on.
Reignite your brand by rethinking your strategy
Now’s the time to take a good look at your business strategy. What might’ve worked before the pandemic, may now need adjusting.
Start by getting clear on your strengths and weaknesses as a brand. The simplest way to do this is through a SWOT analysis. To briefly summarise, a SWOT is a strategic technique that helps you identify your: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Once you’ve defined what you do well and maybe not so well, you need to revisit your business goals and decide on whether they’re still realistic. Analyse just how much your industry has been affected and then adapt. Look for gaps in the market or any new needs in the industry. Then, put a focus on growth and innovation.
Marketing has changed, and in order to not get left behind, you’re going to need to step it up a gear.
Let’s talk budgets
You should look at what budgets you have allocated and for where. Your budgets might have been perfected pre COVID-19, but it’s more than likely they’ve taken a hit.
Put aside a good percentage of funds for your marketing. You need customers now more than ever, so you need to make sure you’re targeting them with content and paid ads. Try not to desensitise the situation, as you might end up doing more harm than good (we’ll get onto that point a bit later).
Have a clear idea of the amount allocated to each department. You’ll feel a little less stressed (trust us).
Make marketing your focal point
If you didn’t already have a huge focus on marketing, now’s the time to bring your A game. We’re not talking about cheesy ads and inconsiderate sales messages being fired at your audience 24/7. We’re talking about content.
Everyone’s heard of the saying, “content is king”. Don’t worry, we hate the phrase as much as the next person. But the point still stands. If you’re not producing content, whether that’s digital or tangible, people will soon forget about you.
Business has been slow for most, so you’re going to have to think outside the box. Think client Q&A’s, brand story takeovers, company films, etc, etc. The list goes on.
Careful comms
Before you start bombarding people’s emails and social feeds with lazy sales messages in an attempt to gain leads, be more compassionate. We’re going through a pandemic and we’re all in the same boa. Most businesses will be out of pocket and won’t be able to afford your products or services. What you can offer, however, is an understanding sympathy.
Offer free content, hold a sale, or just be there for people. Yes, businesses need to make money in order to survive, but we can guarantee by backing off a little, people will remember your business in the long-run.
Build your brand up, then focus on leads
We know what you’re thinking. “Why focus on leads last?”
Well, the truth is, not many people have a lot of spare cash to spend. So, instead of wasting time and energy in an attempt to gain new custom, build up your brand. Spruce up your content, work on your website, and invest in your existing customers. We cannot stress that last point enough. Plus, it can cost five times more to win new clients over retaining existing ones.
To conclude
Back to business and in need of a helping hand post-COVID? Let’s talk. Our inbox is open.