What’s the last 12 months been like for you?
Although the year seems to have flown by, I feel like I’ve been part of NV for much longer than a year. I’ve learnt so much about not only marketing, but working within a creative business in general, and I’ve genuinely loved every minute of it.
Biggest achievemnts since you started?
A whole lot has changed at NV HQ since I started this time last year, and we’ve grown so much as a business. To name a few milestones — we’ve had an office expansion, a new Video Editor join our team, and a brand revamp — which saw us a new logo, slogan, tone of voice, AND a whole new website! Our brand image is so much stronger now than it was 12 months ago.
Thinking from a more personal POV, I’ve expanded my skill-set and knowledge on marketing massively. I’ve learnt so much both on the job and through my apprenticeship classes. I’ve also passed each marketing exam I’ve taken, plus the Google Analytics IQ Award.
Tell us your favourite project you’ve worked on.
It’d be hard to pick just one project, so I’m going to have to go with my top two.
MlkMen’s launch campaign just screamed fun. They’re a new clothing brand that released 12 colourful socks as ‘flavours’, and had them worn by various accentric models, featuring a pink backdrop and strobing lights. I loved absolutely everything about this campaign!
Another of my favourites was the Made in Hull mini-cruise by P&O Ferries and Sesh Events. It was basically a Dutch Dash that saw lots of local artists perform on-board, and then everyone got to spend the day exploring Dam. I’ve always enjoyed music and been an avid gig-goer, so it was super interesting working with the local music scene.
With both these projects being so creative, I was absolutely buzzing with ideas. It’s so much easier to create campaigns and produce content when it’s on a subject you’re genuinely interested in.
Where do you look for inspiration?
Instagram is an amazing place for inspiration! There are so many creatives on the platform, from marketers & entrepreneurs, to artists & musicians. A lot of the visuals, written copy, and marketing campaigns I’ve produced so far have been influenced in some way or another from the stuff I’ve seen whilst scrolling on there.
What skill have you developed the most since startng at NV?
I’d have to say my writing skills & style have improved the most. I’ve gone from writing to an academic standard to writing much more creatively & conversationally. I genuinely look back at the first blog post I wrote for NV and cringe a little. If you want a laugh, you can read it here.
Why do you think your role is important to the business?
Ultimately, the goal of marketing is to bring the company sales. Every business needs someone to plan, create, and implement strategies and content, to promote the business and eventually bring in sales.
Small brands aren’t excused from this. You can’t have one or two people juggling every single role in the business. Not only would that be time consuming, but it’d also probably drive you insane with the huge workload.
Now there’s a designated person in charge of the social media and marketing aspects, it means everyone else can concentrate more on the actual production & editing side of things.
Give us your funniest memory.
It’s hard to think of one moment in particular off the top of my head, but it’s even harder to think of one that’s PG. I don’t think any of us in the office have a filter to what we say, which is one of the things I absolutely love about working at Northern Visuals. We can all have a laugh and still get the job done.
But to give at least one, I’d have to say our Nerf Gun wars. Someone will just fire one of the guns out of the blue and it just goes mental from there. Bullets will fly absolutely everywhere and the floor will just be covered with them by the end.
Finally, what would you say has been your stand out moment of the year?
The first thing that springs to mind is the Hull Business Awards. I’d never really attended an event quite like that before, so it was quite nice to get all dressed up as a team and see deserving local businesses win prestigious awards. An added bonus was seeing our nominee films for each business being played on the big screens. That’s one for the memory book.